Wymondham Magazine lettering

Advertise in Wymondham Magazine

Reach people in Wymondham, in a magazine they really read

Montage of previous magazine editions

Wymondham Magazine is a free community magazine that's sent to over 8500+ homes in Wymondham postcodes, every two months. If your business serves this area, we can help you reach thousands of potential customers.

Our print edition is something people actively look forward to receiving. Your advert will appear in a professionally-produced publication that people don't consider a nuisance or junk mail.

We've even received an award for Business Supporting The Community. We make sure our readers know it's our advertisers that make Wymondham Magazine possible. Your brand will benefit from this goodwill.

adverts@wymondhammagazine.co.uk | Download rate card

Montage of previous magazine editions

Growing the depth of our audience

Montage of previous magazine editions

Six times a year, we deliver Wymondham Magazine to 8500+ doors in Wymondham postcodes.

We have 1500 email subscribers to our digital E-Edition. Our Facebook page has over 4000 followers. And our new browsable website already receives 6000 visits per month and 11,000 page views.

Under new ownership since April 2022, we are working hard to grow all these numbers: through more engaging content, improved publicity of our magazine and new channels to read Wymondham Magazine.

And we’ll do this not by expanding the geographical width of where our magazine is read but increasing the depth of our readership within the Wymondham area.

Your brand will benefit from the increased exposure this project delivers.

adverts@wymondhammagazine.co.uk | Download rate card

Montage of previous magazine editions

One booking, multiple channels

Montage of previous magazine editions

When you take out an advert with Wymondham Magazine, we will place it in every channel our content is available.

Currently, that includes our print edition (quarterly), the downloadable digital E-edition version of the full magazine (monthly), our browsable website and social media.

So no matter where a reader decides to consume Wymondham Magazine’s content, your advert will receive exposure there.

adverts@wymondhammagazine.co.uk | Download rate card

Montage of previous magazine editions

Read our June E‑Edition in full:

Latest issue