Wymondham Magazine lettering

True Grit in the Mountains

WPS Photo of the Month

Richard Howes Published: 05 July 2024

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True grit

This image "True Grit in the Mountains" by Richard Howes was chosen by the judge to be his favourite image of the Tier 1 Annual Print competition hosted by Wymondham Photographic Society.

The judge commented that the positioning of the main subject, looming out of the mist, together with his facial expression conveyed totally the enormous effort the cyclist was making.

The onlooking background supporters' expressions also added to the occasion, with the mist softening their features allowing the cyclist to become the main subject of the image.

Wymondham Photographic Society meets on Tuesday evenings at the Dell Bowls Club, resuming after the summer holidays on 3rd September. Visit the website www.wymondham-ps.org.uk for more information.

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